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Raspberry Mascarpone Stuffed French Toast

Don't you just love vacation breakfasts?! Puttering around in pajamas without even a nod at the clock, savoring that second cup of coffee in front of a roaring fire, and replacing your normal healthy fare of yogurt and fruit with sweet indulgences, restores one's soul. My husband adores red raspberries and is in love with the soft, spreadable, Italian cheese, mascarpone (I think he just likes saying the name), so I created a stuffed french toast for a special, vacation brunch treat. Mascarpone is rather like cream cheese, but is more delicate and sweet; it famously stars in the Italian masterpiece dessert, Tiramisu. 

You can use any kind of bread to stuff, but I am partial to french or sour dough. Stale bread that is several days old works best, to create the proper chewy texture. When I make regular french toast, I cut the slices nice and thick, about one inch. Thinner is better for this stuffed version, since you are going to be sandwiching two slices together. You can use any combination of dairy product to add to the egg mixture: whole milk, half and half, or heavy cream. Honestly, what I use generally depends on what is in my refrigerator. Today I used part half and half and part heavy cream. If there is no vacation in your near future, perhaps you can make this treat on Saturday and enjoy a day long stay-cation.

Raspberry Mascarpone Stuffed French Toast


french or sourdough bread, preferably stale, thinly cut (1/3 to 1/2 inch) into 12 slices

3 large eggs

1/2 c. whole milk, half and half, or heavy cream (or a combination of these)

1/2 tsp. vanilla

few sprinkles cinnamon

butter for frying 

1 cup fresh red raspberries

8 oz. tub of mascarpone (you won't use quite all of it), set out for an hour at room temperature

Prepare the batter by whisking the eggs, cream, vanilla, and cinnamon together with a fork. Place the batter into a shallow container. Lay out the slices of bread in pairs. Spread a thin layer of mascarpone on each piece of bread. Gently pull the raspberries apart and place the halves on one slice of each bread pair; sandwich the pieces together. 

Preheat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Melt a tablespoon pat of butter in the skillet and spread it around. Carefully submerge one stuffed sandwich into the egg batter for several seconds; flip it over and repeat on the second side. Place on the skillet and continue with all six sandwiches. Cook for about five minutes per side, until golden brown. Remove from pan and serve immediately with butter and maple syrup. Serves 4.