On August 26, 1996, when our daughter, Lauren was 3 years old, I wrote this entry in the journal that I kept about her life as a child:
The other evening you and I were sitting up together watching TV. Your brothers were already in bed and Daddy was away at a meeting. You were relishing the moments of having me all to yourself. You were talking away, telling me the secrets of your heart: "Mom", you said with a little grin, "someday I might get married." I told you that I hoped you would be able to find a husband as wonderful as the man I found, your Daddy. You thought for a minute and then you asked, "What makes Daddy such a good husband? Is it because he kisses a lot?"
Sometimes dreams really do come true, even for little 3 year old girls. Last evening, a wonderful man asked for Lauren's hand in marriage! Jeremy, we couldn't be happier to add you to our growing family! Jeremy and Lauren met as students at Wheaton College, several years ago. Jeremy is from Rochester, NY. (Yes, Derek, we know that both of your siblings have found future spouses from the state of New York, but please don't feel any pressure to follow suite)! We have come to know and love Jeremy, his kind and sensitive heart, his servant approach to life, his effervescent friendliness, and his wacky sense of humor. He and Lauren are so happy together and we were thrilled last month when he shared his proposal plans with us.
Derek and I drove to Chicago two days ago with Lauren's furniture and stuff, since she is moving into a house with some girlfriends, to work in the city. Later that evening, Lauren and Jeremy arrived from China, where they had been teaching English to school kids for the past month. We spent the next day helping get the girls' house unpacked and then Jeremy and Lauren left for a dinner date. A number of us were in on Jeremy's secret agenda for the evening; the excitement was palpable!
He is hoping that she will say "yes".
They finally leave the house and our plans kick into gear.
We swing by the nearby train station to pick up Larry, who has flown into O'Hare, make a few stops for party supplies, then rendezvous at Millennium Park with Jeremy's brother, Greg, who has flown in from Rochester and wandered around Chicago for some hours.
Then its back to the girls' house where a few close friends have gathered to celebrate with the couple when they return.
Some were very eager to celebrate! :)
Jeremy's mom, Tammy, and I texted throughout the evening, but this update was my favorite:
And finally, the happy couple arrived!
Jeremy demonstrated how he got down on one knee.
Congratulations to Jeremy and Lauren! Cheers to a lifetime of happiness and love.
You couldn't wipe the smiles off of our faces if you scrubbed all day. We feel so blessed to be a part of this next chapter of Lauren and Jeremy's life. Our family keeps growing, in love and number.