Marrying off a child is one of those monumental occasions that gives you reason to pause and reflect; in the past 5 months, we have managed to marry off two of our kids (shout out to Chris and Tiffany!). Chris and Lauren both found their life partners at college: both are from New York state, and both have short last names that begin with the letter, "K". Derek, they have set the bar impossibly high. I suggest that you just ignore the pattern they've set, and go ahead and do your own thing! Despite being two weeks out, Larry and I are still basking in the glow of Mr. and Mrs. Keys' splendid Chicago Nuptials. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite moments from this celebration.
The venue was dreamy! Lauren found Bridgeport Art Center soon after she had a diamond on her left hand. This one hundred year old, refurbished, brick building used to be the warehouse for the old Spiegel Catalog. The various floors of the building are art studios, and the top, fifth floor, is Skyline Loft, a venue available for large gatherings. When Lauren and Jeremy talked to them, there were only several Saturdays still open for 2016. They landed the date of April 2, and the rest is history. As soon as we were booked for the date, we discovered that we were part of a wonderful network of vendors to choose from: florists, day-of coordinators, caterers, set up and design, beverage options, etc. For our event, the whole fifth floor was magical! As the guests exited off the freight elevator, they were seated for the ceremony in the main hall. Afterwards, the curtains were drawn and we spent an hour in another room with cocktails and appetizers and conversation. In that hour, the staff managed to flip the room and now, it was gorgeous dining tables with a dance floor. One whole wall had tall windows which framed the skyline of Chicago as the sun set.
The Skyline Loft was enhanced even more by Fleur Inc, with the floral decor, and by Art of Imagination, with all the twinkling lights, the seating chart hub, and the gorgeous, floral covered, structure, under which the couple said their vows. After Lauren and my visit to Fleur's store front in Logan Square, and our talk with the owner/designer, we both said the same thing: "they could do anything and it would be fabulous and we would be so happy." Lauren was really more of an autumnal bride, in her color selections. She was drawn to deep, rich reds, and muted oranges. Somehow, Fleur Inc managed to make the flowers seem totally appropriate for this spring wedding, while still capturing the full, intense color palette that Lauren loved.
Over the years of their friendships with Lauren, I have gotten to know many of the bridesmaids. They are stellar girls: beautiful, selfless, sharp witted, funny, and with open hearts to what God has in store for them. I was privileged to hang with them on the day of the wedding. the morning started with hair and make up in the hotel.
Then there was a limo ride in the April blizzard afternoon to Bridgeport Art Center.
The girls just kept getting more beautiful!
And finally, about an hour before the ceremony, the bridesmaids gathered around Lauren and prayed the most heartfelt prayers over her. They prayed that the wedding would be worshipful, as well as celebratory, they asked God to bless Lauren and Jeremy's marriage and keep them knit together over all the years of their lives, and they asked for blessings for my daughter in her new role as wife. All the hours of make up were threatened to be undone by this beautiful time in God's presence. We all remembered though, as we had been instructed, to dab with the toilet tissue (who ever has kleenex when they are needed?!) and not rub. The love these friends have for Lauren was so obvious in their prayers!
I assume that most fathers view their adult, female offspring, through reverse tunnel lens, that take them back in time to days of little girl pigtails, and tossing of the three year old head and rolling the eyes, and melting of the daddy's heart. I'm sure that is what was going through Larry's mind when he got his first look at his daughter bride. I wish every girl, both young and old, could experience the sweet tenderness that Lauren's daddy shows to her.
My mother heart was warmed by having Lauren's siblings involved in this special day. Chris and Tiffany, newly weds of five months, were calm and solid, available to do whatever was needed. Tiffany took lots of candid pictures which we savored afterwards. They were the hosts, standing at the entrance of the building, representing our family, and welcomed the guests in from the cold and directed them onto the freight elevator, to ascend to the top floor and the wedding. It was special too, that Tiffany's mom, May and her brother, Teddy could be with us as well.
Derek was a groomsman, but that was not his most memorable role.
Derek was in charge of the elevator music. The guests ascended to the top floor, to Skyline Loft, by way of an old, refurbished freight elevator. This space was as large as a room and had a crystal chandelier hanging from the center. It took the operator 45 seconds to manually pilot the guests up to the wedding site. As they entered, on the first floor, the Wheaton Thundertones were on board, belting out a coppella harmonies. It really was the best elevator music you have ever heard!
For a few minutes before the processional, Lauren was cloistered off in a room by herself, with the wedding party in an adjoining room, but separated by a heavy metal door. Even as a child, Lauren hated not being a part of the action. She found some tiny holes in that metal door, and managed to still see what was happening.
One of my favorite moments of the whole evening, was watching Jeremy, as Lauren walked down the aisle toward him, on her father's arm. Jeremy is quite tenderhearted, and was battling tears as his bride came toward him. I have every confidence that he will love my daughter well as her husband! They are precious gifts to each other.
During the wedding, the bride and groom did a foot washing ceremony, following Jesus' example when he washed the feet of his disciples. The symbolism is that Jeremy and Lauren want to serve each other. What a perfect way to begin a marriage. Someone may have forgotten to include a towel for the couple to dry their feet. :) And demonstrative Jeremy may have gotten a little too close for comfort to the candles on the floor behind him. Just ask Emilee.
Jeremy and Lauren's joy was a fragrance over the whole evening. Their love is so evident! We love Jeremy and his family. Even though they don't do the choosing, it is lovely when the families fall in love as well.
And how we danced! Several months before the big day, Larry offered to learn any dance moves that Lauren might envision for the father/daughter dance. Lauren's reply gave him direction, but left him in charge: "I don't want anything sappy or sentimental. I want it to be fun and upbeat!" Larry and I landed on Abba's "Dancing Queen," and spent half a dozen Thursday afternoons at a dance studio in Chattanooga. The instructor choreographed a two minute routine for us (I was the fill in until he could dance with the bride). We practiced nearly every day at home, until Larry was comfortable with the footwork, the turns and dips. I was so proud of him! I think he surprised his daughter with all his fancy moves. :)
And the best follow up was the unrehearsed mother/groom dance: Tammy was in charge and she dipped and twirled Jeremy. It was very funny!
And finally, I loved how many members of our families took the time and effort to make their way to Chicago to help us celebrate!
This picture of some of my siblings on the Blue Line from O'Hare, makes me feel very special!
And look at all those Schlabachs! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful day.
Wishing you two kids a lifetime of happiness!