Sometimes those of us who have been cooking for eons, forget all the simple things that we've learned along the way, like how to whip heavy cream for a dessert. To a crusty, age-hardened chef, this is almost an afterthought. But to a neophyte, who is carefully following a dessert recipe step by step, there is that gasp moment when the recipe calls for two cups of whipped cream, and you don't know how to whip cream; this short blog is for you. Don't worry, you will soon be a pro! I love the advice that Lauren has hanging on her kitchen wall: it's a sketch of a whisk and it says, "Whip it. Whip it real good."
Whipping Cream
1 c. heavy whipping cream
2 Tbsp. white sugar
few drops good vanilla
The key to quick, perfect, whipping cream is to chill the bowl you will use in the freezer for at least 15 minutes. Some folks even chill the beaters. I personally have never been able to fit myself into the freezer, so I have not done that. (Sorry. I'm joking.) An electric mixer works best. Pour the cup of cold whipping cream into the chilled bowl. Make sure you start with a big enough bowl because the cream will double in volume. Beat the cream on low speed for 30 seconds or so, and then gradually increase the speed. If you start on high, you will be wearing that milky liquid. Very soon the cream will be the texture of soft clouds. Stop the mixer and sprinkle in the sugar; mix for a moment and then add the drops of vanilla. Turn the mixer back on medium and watch very carefully. It should take less than a minute for the cream to be at the "stiff peak" stage. DO NOT OVERBEAT! It is only a few seconds from "stiff peaks" to "churned butter" and there is no going back. Stop early in the process and see if the beaters form those famous stiff peaks when you lift them out of the cream (on "off" of course). This makes about 2 cups of whipped cream. Covered, it will keep in the frig for several hours until serving time.
Whenever I think of stiff peaks, my mind goes to skiing tree runs in Montana. They are pretty much one and the same thing.
Being a dutiful husband, Larry was reading this recipe. Finally he looked up and said, "If you just made this whipped cream, where is it? I don't really care so much how it is made. I'd rather eat it." And so, since it is Sunday evening, he got a Sundae. With extra whipped cream.